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The ABC's of Roofing

Growing up running the mile was (sadly) a constant in my life. Every single school year I had the timed mile to dread. Finally, my senior year of high school came. A time to be celebrated because I was not obligated at all to run any sort of timed race… That is until I joined the cross-country team and had to run 5K races every single week.

I will be the first to tell you that I never knew how much technique and skill was required in order to simply run. Certain shoes were required so that my feet did not hurt. Breathing a certain way had to be learned so as to not get side cramps. Moving your arms and feet a specific way to get just the right stride. Oh, and it turns out that you shouldn’t scarf down a couple hot dogs before running, who knew?

Roofing is the exact same as running, it seems simple at first, but is actually a very complex trade. Let’s break it down and go through the ABC’s of roofing.

A-Attention to Details

Getting a quick repair or replacement compared to getting a much costlier roof replacement is the difference between a minute detail that experienced and honest roofers look for when examining the roof. When tearing off roofs certain wood parts of the roof have to be torn off completely and replaced due to rotting. Some roofers will ignore this fine detail to cut corners and save them on costs but place more costs on the customer in the long run.

B-Believing in What You Have to Offer

Construction is a competitive field of work with many competitors in the industry. Having so many other companies to compete against makes it easy for some to produce cheap products and labor to make a quick profit. Mills Roofing believes in what we have to offer to our clients. Our goal is to serve the client adequately and to our fullest capabilities. Believing in what one has to offer does not translate to faking it until we make it. Rather, it means providing the service and roof that we would want provided to our grandmother (because I have the greatest grandmother the absolute best of the best would be given to her). We proudly offer a high quality roof and roofing experience for our customers because we believe in the best.

C-Choosing to do the Hard Things

Summer is a time to kick back and destress on a white sandy beach with no worries in the world, unless you are a roofer. During the summers when it is 90+ degrees outside (and even hotter on the roofs), roofers choose to do the hard thing and work in the heat all day the whole work week. Cutting corners and saving time and money is nice but it is not the right way. If ply wood or other parts of the roof need to be torn off and replaced as well, then we do that, even though it’s extra work. Because in our eyes, the “extra” work is not actually extra, it is part of providing a great experience and even better roof to our clients.

Sure, it’s faster to do the easier work, but sometimes the hard work is what is required to make it the best that can possibly be offered. That is why quality is our Legacy.

What insight into the life of a roofer did the ABC’s give you?

We would love to here what you may have thought or learned from this article! Let us know in the comments.

OR if you are looking for a quality roof, feel free to contact us for a free roof replacement estimate.

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© 2021 by Taylor Tallman

Call for More Info:

(540) 371-6187

Fredericksburg, VA

Spotsylvania, VA

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